Pain Management

Is hypnotherapy effective for managing discomfort?

There is plenty of evidence-based research pointing to hypnosis as an effective treatment modality for helping you manage any form of discomfort or tightness one could be feeling in their body.

How does hypnosis work in helping you manage discomfort?

Hypnosis is combination of techniques that is carefully woven in to a tool that helps the client enhance their concentration, heighten their responsiveness to suggestions in an altered state of consciousness.

Hypnotherapy will help you release any fear or anxiety you might be experiencing as a result of the discomfort you are feeling.

It will help you relax, as such, you will feel much calmer, and much at ease.

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Note: Any sudden onset (acute) of discomfort or tightness that presents with an intense severity indicates, that something is wrong, hence needs to be evaluated by a physician.



Keep in mind, that hypnotherapy does not cure discomfort!

Hypnotherapy offers support, and helps the client learn to manage their discomfort.